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crossbrowsertesting: What happened to free?

These guys have a great product and might really give LitmusApp a run for their money. But it’s no longer free.

“5% paid number in a freemium model is a great percentage traditionally, it only works if you have thousands upon thousands of users (ie Flickr, etc) – it does not work in an industry such as the web design area with a focused audience where we see hundreds of users per day.”

via crossbrowsertesting.com Blog: What happened to free?.

NEW: Bookmarklet. I’ve been using theLitmusApp bookmarlet for a while and it’s great. but this allows you to jump right into using a virtual environment OR taking screenshots.

What is really cool about the whole thing is how it can change your workflow in testing. You can work on a site and get it to your liking and two clicks later you can look at that site in IE6, Opera or Chrome. You can even run screenshots.

via New cool bookmarklet | Pick an OS – Pick a Browser – Test a Website.

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