I recently launched a Ning site for the Oakland Museum of California:
It is a community for celebrating Dias de los muertos (Day of the Dead).
Overall it was a good experience for a project with a tiny budget and very fast schedule. There are lots of features on Ning but very limited ways to implement them. It’s very hard to make a Ning site not look like a Ning site so it’s best not to have that expectation.
There are a number of alternatives:
Flux, like Ning, (and more recently KickApps ), it’s a place for sites to easily create a new social network, or bolt a social network onto an existing site, and add users from other platform social networks with a single click.
We started with Ning at work and got frustrated by some limitations. Went to Yammer. It’s good, but the Yammer Firefox extension unnervingly says “YAM” when you have an update, until you change the settings.
good day….Nice job mark..I agree with you..The post was amazing…thank you for the educational info that you have given me…I am looking forward for your next post..