I suggest avoiding the word “welcome” on any Web site homepage. It’s a cliché and a missed opportunity to convey useful information about your firm. Spend time writing some brief copy — something slightly different to the about page would be appropriate to the home page. Also, “welcome” is an appropriate greeting upon first greeting someone but visitors to your homepage might come back again and again on one visit/day.
The first content anyone sees on your home page is the most critically valuable, for usability as well as SEO. Don’t ever bother welcoming anyone to your web site. That goes without saying. If I wasn’t welcome on your site, you wouldn’t have put it on the world wide web!
via The Top 5 Web Site Home Page Mistakes – Web Designers London.
7. Does your website have a strong headline?
Does your website simply say… “Welcome” in big letters at the top of your websites home page or does it say… “Who Else Wants to Discover The Secrets To ___?”