Arts Benicia Artist in Residency (ABAIR) Program for Installation Artists
Request for Proposals
Arts Benicia will provide installation artists with an opportunity to work out installation ideas in its 2,000 square foot space from 7/20-8/20, 2010. Our gallery is located in the heart of a large artists’ community that is situated in an former military arsenal built in the 1800’s. Arts Benicia has a pristine gallery in the heart of the historic Benicia Arsenal. It is well lit, has white walls and concrete floor.
What you get:
• Access to Arts Benicia’s gallery space from 7/20-8/20 to create an installation-in-progress.
• An artist’s reception on August 12, 7-9 pm.
• Publicity, email and card.
• $200 maximum supply budget.
• Access to a 10’x40′ storage container.
• An opportunity to take the time to do your most adventurous and interesting work in pristine gallery within a supportive artists’ community environment.
Project Dates:
• Installation and Residency Phase: July 20-August 12, 2010
• Reception: August 12
• Exhibition Phase: August 12-August 20
• Deinstallation and cleanup: August 21-24
Artist’s responsibilities:
• Artists must ensure their own and audience member’s safety.
• Artists must respect the gallery space and community and “do no harm”.
• Artists will sign “hold harmless” waiver.
• Artists must leave the space clean and undamaged by August 24. Artists will be responsible for any repairs, repainting, etc.
What will not be considered:
• Traditional exhibitions like painting, sculpture, photography, etc., though installations may include traditional elements. Site specific installation is required.
• Any project that will damage our space or will take staff time to clean up. Artist must leave the space in the condition in which it was found.
• Any project that poses a safety risk.
• Any project that disturbs the work of Arts Benicia. Our office is upstairs, but we will not be available to help with the installation, and we do not want to be disturbed by loud noises, offensive smells, etc.. The gallery is very acoustically reflective.
What will help your proposal (Not required):
• Unusual, recycled and clean materials are encouraged.
• A clear, specific proposal.
• Good use of available space.
• Community involvement potential.
• Possibility of programming children’s experiences in the space.
* Interactive or kinetic work is encouraged.
• Friendliness and flexibility on the part of the artist.
All artists and artist teams are welcome to apply.
To apply please provide the following by July 1:
1. One page proposal. Tell us your ideas for the installation. You may attach drawings or other images used for planning, small jpegs please.
2. At least four images of relevant work. Links to online images preferred, or email no more than four small jpegs.
3. Current resume. Link to online resume preferred or email small pdf.
Email materials to: and put “ABAIR Program” in the subject line. No phone or email inquiries please.
RFP Release Date: June 26, 2010
Deadline for Proposal Submission: July 1, 2010
Evaluation Process: July 2-5, 2010
Artists will be notified by July 6. Depending on the applications, we may choose one or more applicants, or none.