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Yelp: The Positive Side of Negative Reviews

This Yelp post has a funny video about a barbershop in LA that advertises its negative reviews. They have a healthy attitude about it.

Three Things You Didn’t Know About Negative Reviews

1. Most reviews on Yelp are actually positive — about 85% are 3 stars or above. In fact, this is pretty consistent across the Internet: when people share information about an experience or product, it’s often because they’re happy.

2. This may seem counter-intuitive, but negative reviews can actually be a good thing. Some savvy consumers are actually suspicious of businesses that sport an unblemished record.  On average, a restaurant with more than 20 reviews and a 4 star rating on Yelp has three times more page view traffic than a restaurant with more than 20 reviews and a 5 star rating.

3. No one takes the negative review as seriously as you do. Your prospective customers are sizing up the reviews and the reviewers just as much as they are sizing up your business, so give them a little bit of credit and trust their ability to discern the diehards from the blowhards.

via Yelp Official Blog: The Positive Side of Negative Reviews.

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