Lots of great conversations and presentations. Here’s some notes and links…
2 apps for converting a WordPress site to a mobile app. Curiously, they both seem to come from Israeli startups. There’s an entrepreneurial flavor to the fallafel I suppose.
- wiziapp.com: not free and iOS only
- uppsite.com: Free and connects to Anroid as well as iOS. Windows coming soon.
A new plugin to show popular posts via Google Analytics
- pastebin.com/diff.php?i=ZhCja8Ga
- should be coming soon to WordPress repository
- Claims to work faster than existing plugins. I found this existing one: google-analytics-popular-posts but I hvae not tested it yet.
Themes for WPEC (comparative analytics coming soon): storefrontthemes.com
Project management and related tech tools: assembla.com
Tech support management: supportdetails.com
Site uptime test: downforeveryoneorjustme.com (isup.me)
Note bad but I use pingdom.com and www.site24x7.com
CSS framework: compass-style.org
CSS3 animations and other eye candy: iestelle.com/wordcampsf
Neat “zoomable” presentations: prezi.com
Tools for nonprofits:
- This is amazing: cure.org/curekids
it connects “clients” of the nonprofit with donors. It’s just what a client of mine was recently asking for. It’s all built in WordPress but is not a pplugin that is ready to be easily put on other sites. - And the same developers just releassed this great plugin: wordpress.org/extend/plugins/personal-fundraiser it’s about letting fundraisers make a personal page where they can attract and track donors from their personal circle. looks really great, can’t wait to try it. It is a plugin, ready to install although still kinda in beta.
- These guys do great web development for nonprofits (and others): exygy.com
- I learned what a “Benefit” Corp is: wikipedia.org/wiki/B_corporation
Nice. Thanks for the link to the new plugin to show popular posts via Google Analytics! I was looking for that and found your page via google. I bookmarked your page and looking forward to new articles 🙂
Ooooh! Thanks alot for the resource! They’ve been especially helpful to me especially the ones for Google Analytics and converting sites to mobile. Much appreciation.
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