Sadly, I missed WordCamp this year since I was still in Japan. But I did watch the State of the Word Video:
…and I have two take-aways…
1) Stats
First is the statistic that I keep focusing on — because I am always using it with my clients — how many sites use WordPress?
WordPress powers 18.9% of the internet
…up 2.2% from last year. And over the past 12 months, WordPress was downloaded a total of 46 million times.
See below for a nice infographic with more stats. And follow the stats over at w3techs (up to 21% as of 1/2013)
2) MP6 Interface for WP 3.8
The other project Matt mentioned is the new admin interface designed — developed under the ‘codenamed’ MP6 plugin. I chekced it out and wanted to share some screenshots in case you want a peak at the future interface we 18.9% will be working with.
here’s some more stats….