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Google Apps – 3 options for forwarding email via filters and groups

Here’s some instructions on how to add and subtract people’s email from a forward or a list. First decide if you want to forward to one person or set up more of a list that forwards to multiple people (who can be in your Google Apps domain or outside of it).

There are 3 options:

1) If you just want to forward to one person you can use the “Forwarding and POP/IMAP” tab in the Settings section.



2) But if you want to forward to multiple addresses you want to use filters – as it says at the bottom of the screenshot above.

To make a filter that catches all emails fill in something random in the  “doesn’t have” section:




…then selected the “forward to” option. You have to first enter addresses – and have them confirmed by the recipient – over in the  “Forwarding and POP/IMAP” tab.





Old mail will not be forwarded – so this is not a solution to migrate existing mail from one account to another.

Learn more about filters here: support.google.com


3) The third option for forwarding emails to more than one person is to set up a “group“. A group  is different than a regular email account – you can’t log into the group email address and see all the emails that have been received into that group. You need to have “domain administrator” privileges  to set up groups.


Groups offer these options:

  1. Team – Anyone in domain.org can post messages and view the members list.
    • Also allow anyone on the Internet to post messages
  2. Announcement-only – Only owners can post messages and view the members list.
  3. Restricted – Only members can post messages and view the members list.

Google Groups for Business offers additional  access level settings will include additional features. Read those notes carefully since access-level settings are applied to migrated groups differently, depending on if a “Google Group” was created before or after the “Google Groups for Business” service was initially released back in December 2009.



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