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What an amazing idea – take a wide staircase and “overlap” a ramp for wheelchairs. Makes me want to think out of the box about using phrases like “think out of the box”.

For everyone who has ever gotten around in a or pushed around a baby stroller, you know how frustrating it is to encounter a building with stairs and no ramp. Almost as bad are the steep, poorly-designed ramps that were simply tacked on later. The McCormick Tribune Campus Center in Chicago made a stylish compromise between stairs and ramp with this staircase that incorporates a zig-zagging ramp with the stairs.


via 15 More! Crafty Metal, Wood & Spiral Staircases | En Derin.

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  1. Posted November 11, 2013 at 9:34 pm | Permalink

    … at first I also thought this was a great idea/solution for the problem at hand. But after thinking about it… it became obvious this is a death trap for anyone who uses a wheelchair. there are no railings to assist someone who has a mobility consideration and might need to take a break as they “climb” up, also there is no protection in case someone who is pushing themselves starts to roll down.

    Happy Monday 😉

  2. Posted March 3, 2014 at 1:25 am | Permalink

    It’s great to see how modern day design has learnt to devolope in a way that handicapped people can benefit! I have seen this happen more and more, and even with some designs like these spiral staircases. The more we try the further we come, thanks for this post!

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