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Comparing WordPress Video User Manuals


  Monthly plan price # of WordPress core videos of WordPress plugin videos # of other videos

Video User Manuals

Video User Manuals

 $24.00 41 18  26
vseo4  $49.50  42  0  0
vseo3 $24.00  25  8  2
vseo2  $24.75 43  16  42

Video User Manuals

The team at Video User Manuals have been around since early 2008. They are the original and first plugin to put video tutorials in the WordPress dashboard for clients. All the videos use a non-technical language and clear graphics, making them quite easy to understand. The videos can be watched in English (American, British and Australian accents available) or Spanish and they are categorized into the following sections:

Section # of Videos Section # of Videos
Dashboard 2 Widgets 1
Editor 11 Menus 3
Images 10 Yoast SEO (a free plugin) 4
Pages 3 WooCommerce (a free plugin) 7
Media 2 WooCommerce Products 7
Posts 7 Google Analytics Setup (not a WordPress feature) 11
Comments 1 Google Analytics Reports 10
Profile 1 Gravity Forms (a paid plugin) 5

The plugin is fully brandable and customizable. It is possible to turn off individual videos or entire sections of videos and add your own videos.


The videos are always opened in a new tab and the user has to come back to the previous tab to have access to the other videos—not very efficient.

It is also provides a Word and PDF document with every subscription that you can customize and rebrand as your own—but it’s not part of the WordPress plugin. And also there is the option to hide the settings from Admins.

Note there is no button to watch the video in full screen mode but if you increase the width of the popup window

There are three plans available:

  • Single: $70.00 (flat rate)
  • Developer: $24.00 per month (First month only $1)
  • Saver: $240.00 per year (First two month free)

VUM-all-videosComplete list of videos:

  1. Dashboard Videos
    1. The Dashboard
    2. The Admin Bar
  2. Editor Videos
    1. Hyperlinks
    2. Lists
    3. Embed Video
    4. Distraction-Free Writing
    5. The Toolbar
    6. Paste From Word
    7. Add A Heading
    8. Add A Paragraph
    9. Edit Text
    10. Revisions
    11. Audio Video Playlists
  3. Images Videos
    1. Add Media From Media Library
    2. Add Image From Computer
    3. Add Image From URL
    4. Delete Image
    5. Edit Image
    6. Image Editor
    7. Rotate and Flip Images
    8. Crop and Scale Images
    9. Featured Image
    10. Image Galleries
  4. Pages Videos
    1. Add New Page
    2. Trash A Page
    3. Restore A Page
  5. Media Videos
    1. Media Library
    2. Add Media
  6. Posts Videos
    1. Add New Post
    2. Trash A Post
    3. Restore A Post
    4. Categories
    5. Tags
    6. Quick Draft
    7. The Excerpt
  7. Comments Videos
  8. Profile Videos
    1. Change Your Password
  9. Widgets Videos
    1. Widgets
  10. Menus Videos
    1. Add A Page To A Menu
    2. Moving Menu Items
    3. Add Custom Links
  11. SEO Videos
    1. General
    2. Page Analysis
    3. Social
    4. Profile
  12. WooCommerce Videos
    1. Categories
    2. Tags
    3. Shipping Classes
    4. Attributes
    5. Orders
    6. Reports
    7. Coupons
  13. WooCommerce Products Videos
    1. Add a Product
    2. Simple Product
    3. Grouped Product
    4. External Product
    5. Variable Product
    6. Downloadable Product
    7. Product Overview
  14. Google Analytics Setup Videos
    1. Importance Of Digital Analytics
    2. Core Analysis Techniques
    3. Conversions And Marketing Attribution
    4. Creating A Measurement Plan
    5. How Google Analytics works
    6. Key Metrics And Dimensions
    7. Creating An Account
    8. Understanding Account Structure
    9. Setting Up Basic Filters
    10. Setting Up Goals
    11. Collecting Campaign Data
  15. Google Analytics Reports Videos
    1. Reporting Overview
    2. Audience Reports
    3. Acquisition Reports
    4. AdWords Reports
    5. Behavior Reports
    6. Custom Reports And Dashboards
    7. Goal Flow Report
    8. Ecommerce Reports
    9. Multi-Channel Funnels Reports
    10. Attribution Reports
  16. Gravity Forms Videos
    1. Add A New Form
    2. Form Editor
    3. Form Settings
    4. Form Entries
    5. Form Preview



Founded in 2005, WPMU DEV offers more than 350 WordPress plugins, themes and unlimited support. The WordPress tutorial videos are very detailed and straightforward, with a clean and clear interface, making them suitable for entry level users. The videos available are categorized into the following sections:

Section # of Videos
The Dashboard 4 Media Library 3
Posts 4 Appearance 4
Pages 4 Organizing Content 2
The Visual Editor 9 Managing Comments 1
Working with Images 8 Users, Tools and Settings 3

This is basically the only page of this plugin. Its interface is more efficient, the list of videos are always displayed below the video that is currently playing and the tutorials are not opened in a new tab.

The only language available is English and there is no written documentation available. All the videos will always be displayed to the admin and they can be watched in full screen mode. Even though the videos do not cover all the content covered by Video User Manuals, they covered most of the content in fewer and more dynamic videos.

There are three plans available:

  • Monthly: $49.50
  • Quarterly: $34.50 per month
  • Yearly: $24.50 per month



WP101 was launched back in 2008 by Shawn Hesketh, a freelance designer and WordPress consultant who has been creating websites since 1994. Over at Shawn’s website, he gives advice and shares his experience of running a membership site with 20,000 members, as well as offering his custom WordPress video service.



This is how the videos are displayed.

Some characteristics of this tool are:

  • Male voice-over
  • Video length: 5-6 mins
  • Outlines under each video help user pay more attention to the objectives of the videoIt compares different functions at a theoretical level, reinforces the content to help user memorize (E.g., post VS page)
  • A brief summary and an intro of the next session is included at the end of each video
  • Contains a specific tutorial about SEO in WordPress
  • Keep updating content according to customer needs, the upcoming videos include “intro to gravity forms” “Jetpack Series”

The tutorial available are:

  1. What Is WordPress?
  2. WordPress.Com Or WordPress.Org?
  3. How To Install WordPress
  4. The WordPress Dashboard
  5. Posts Vs Pages
  6. The WordPress Editor
  7. Creating A New Post
  8. Post Formats
  9. Edit An Existing Post
  10. Using Categories And Tags
  11. Creating And Editing Pages
  12. Adding Photos And Images
  13. How To Embed Video And Audio
  14. Using The Media Library
  15. Managing Comments
  16. How To Create A Link
  17. Changing The Theme
  18. Adding Widgets
  19. Building Custom Menus
  20. Installing Plugins
  21. Adding New Users
  22. WordPress Tools
  23. WordPress Settings
  24. Undoing Mistakes With Post Revisions Understanding Permalinks
  25. Introduction To Custom Fields
  26. What Is RSs?
  27. Updating WordPress
  28. WordPress Seo Plugin: General Tab
  29. WordPress Seo Plugin: Page Analysis Tab WordPress Seo Plugin: Advanced Tab
  30. WordPress Seo Plugin: General Settings WordPress Seo Plugin: Titles & Metas Settings WordPress Seo Plugin: Social Settings
  31. WordPress Seo Plugin: Xml Sitemaps
  32. WordPress Seo Plugin: Breadcrumbs
  33. WordPress Seo Plugin: Permalink Settings WordPress Seo Plugin: Rss Settings
  34. WordPress Seo Plugin: Tools
  35. WordPress Seo Premium: Redirect Manager WordPress Seo Premium: Google Webmaster Tools

The plans available are:

  • Monthly: $24/month
  • Annual: $ 39 /year
  • Lifetime access: $159



WPSessions was launched in 2013 and provides high quality content to help train the greater WordPress community.

WPSessions is specialized in training WordPress developers and business owners in a simple way and the content is created and supported by WordPress experts, so the tutorials are always updated.

The videos available are categorized into the following sections:

 Section # of Videos
Your First WordPress Plugin 43 Lessons
Mastering Sass: From Beginner to Expert 17 Lessons
Using the WordPress Plugin Boilerplate 16 Lessons
How to Optimize WordPress Performance 25 Lessons
How to Build a Membership Site In Production!
Bashing Your Way with WP-CLI In Production!
BuddyPress Mastery: For Users and Developers In Production!
Up and Running with Unit Tests  In Production!

The plans available are:

  • Pay by Sessions: $30 per session
  • VIP membership: $24.75 per month



On WordPress TV you can access screencasts, video presentations and WordCamp videos, and you can post your own videos as well. Their number one objective is to share quality content and show the users how to use WordPress and do awesome things with it.

The website is a moderated community and the videos they publish are for the benefit of all users of WordPress. As such, their content is meant to be a reflection of the values of the WordPress project.

They also have a blog, so the users can keep it up with all the WordPress news and events.


Finally, to choose which is best for your customers, you should know how much they know about WordPress and what are the features they use, because even though Video User Manuals covers extra content like Gravity Forms, WooCommerce and SEO, the videos explain the content more slowly compared to WPMU DEV, but it still explains the content thoroughly.

Visit the official websites:

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One Comment

  1. Posted November 16, 2015 at 2:12 am | Permalink

    Great Post, Thank You

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