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Joined Bay Area Photographers Collective

Currently serve on Advisory Board of The LAB

Elected President, Board of Directors, The LAB

Judge, WritersCorp youth poetry slam

Joined the Board of Directors of The LAB, a small non-profit interdisciplinary art organisation

International Symposium on Electronic Art, video installation and presentation entitled "Electric Prayer Wheel: a Meditation on Genocide"

Public Lecture and Panel Discussion, "The Artist's Web" (ArtSpan/Yerba Buena Center for the Arts)

TibetNet, Graphic Design Consultant

  • Traveled to India to build an Intranet for His Holiness The Dalai Lama and the Tibetan Government In Exile.
  • Our team wired the seven Ministries of the Central Tibetan Administration, and the Library of Tibetan Works and Archives, to give them direct, high-speed connections between offices and to the Web server
  • Our team met with the Dalai Lama, who asked us questions about computers and answered my questions about the recent controversy around offical statements regarding gay rights in the traditional Tibetan buddhist context.
  • German Article via Spiegel Online.
  • PDF article by C. Jung (SJ Mercury News 1997)
  • Also see images.

Public lecture: "Designing for the Web" (DTP Conference, Hyatt Regency, SF)

Public lecture: "Interactive Video: Auto-Editing and Midi-Controlled Quicktime" (MacSummit, UCSB, with David Rauch)

Interface design consultant: CommTouch Inc. and the Bay Area Discovery Museum
conducted software usability testing of new email client designed for kids

Taught courses: "ABC's of the Internet" and "Web Site Development (HTML II)" at MentorNet

Community Housing Partnership/"Belonging", taught web design skills and worked on an art installation in conjunction with a social service agency that houses and educates homeless in San Francisco

First public web project: New Langton Arts, one local site used only in the gallery and a second version documenting that show (http://www.exploratorium.edu/nagasaki/Library/Library.html)

BA with Honors in the Major from University of California, Santa Cruz
Majored in Art History/Visual Culture with focus on contemporary theory and photogrpahy

Assistant to visiting lecturer Art Spiegelman